About me

My research career has focused on the use of resource virtualization techniques in computer systems design as a means of improving flexibility, manageability, and isolation of systems, while supporting a wealth of existing, unmodified applications. My current research emphasis is on software-defined overlay virtual private networks supporting IoT, edge and cloud computing distributed systems. Most recently, my research has found practical applications in inter-disciplinary collaborations on ecological forecasting, biodiversity, and smart and connected communities. In particular, my inter-disciplinary collaborations in ecological forecasting have led to multiple successful NSF awards, My current research focuses on the following topics:

  • Virtualization in distributed systems (virtual machines, networks, file systems)
  • Edge computing and virtual private networks
  • Cloud computing systems and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) applications in ecological forecasting
  • Overlay networks and their applications in systems design

Active projects

Principal Investigator/Co-PI:

FaaSr: cross-platform Function-as-a-Service for scientific workflows

EdgeVPN: peer-to-peer software-defined overlay virtual private network for edge-to-cloud computing

FLARE: Ecological forecasting

Senior Personnel:

iDigBio: biodiversity collections database

Student opportunities

Research positions are available in my team for self-motivated, talented, passionate and hard-working graduate and undergraduate students. In particular, I am recruiting students who are interested in inter-disciplianry research at the interface of computer systems and applications in domains with significant potential broad impact (such as environmental sciences) to participate in one of the projects above. I am currently looking for students with interest and expertise in containerized applications and FaaS/serverless cloud computing.

Preference will be given to students with a strong background in computer systems, practical experience with high-level programming languages such as Python, open-source software development in GitHub, and practical experience with Linux, virtual machines/containers and cloud platforms. Strong preference is given to students who have taken/are taking one of my courses and perform well, as it is the ideal way to establish rapport and demonstrate your potential.

If you are already an EECS OSU student interested in joining my team, please first contact me by email and include your resume/CV. You may also drop by during office hours or schedule an appointment with me.

Office hours and student appointments

My office hours are currently MWF 2-3pm in KEC 4091.

If you are an OSU student and would like to schedule an appointment outside regular office hours, please check my calendar for availability and send me an email with suggestions of 2-3 time slots that work for you.